Two massive updates up on the blog today! No idea why no one is really talking about this, but it worries me that I'm seeing the same warning signs as…
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Went on Channel 8 to share about how we handle our finances as a couple! Guo Liang's comments were quite funny 😂 After the show we kept wondering, why did…
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Cash OR Waiver?

Should the govt give GST cash vouchers or waive GST on basic necessities? I've been thinking about this ever since yesterday's YOUthSpeak dialogue event on Budget 2018! The government believes…
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Hosting another event tomorrow on the national Budget 2018, can't wait! P.S. @eustaciatan I took the liberty to ask them for resources that we can use to back up the…
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Couple Finances

Jumping onto this topic today regarding couple finances because @allycontrary started the discussion and I always love a debate 😂 I've actually talked about couple finances before, I think @wwonderwumeng…
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